Tonight the Alewives had our usual Wednesday gathering. As I went to the cold car with my bag of knitting supplies, a jar of nettle tea and some hummus and chips, the crooked little New Moon winked on the western horizon. True for so many children, I suspect, but the Moon was a dear companion. I slept with the Moon on my face and to this day, I am a person who sleeps deeply and well on Full Moon nights.  It’s the New Moon that messes with my sleep patterns, making me restless and longing to slip out the back door and into the night.

As I trotted down the driveway to the car, the Moon was a new/old friend, bright and full of the promise of the waxing time.  I did a tarot reading earlier today and suggested to my client that she give herself the gift of going outside a couple of times a week and spending five minutes looking at the Moon and imagining all the possibilities of life as it spreads before her. 

So, tonight, I invite you to do the same and I will also practice what I preach.  Let’s be lunatics on these winter nights–wrapped warmly against the cold, let’s all imagine what the possibilities are in these lives we lead.  What can the Moon’s light show us that we can’t see otherwise?  Where are our dreams leading us–and do we have the courage to follow them?
