from Facebook, this morning…

Last night, I reminded myself that I can’t hold reponsibility–much less culpablity!–for all the world’s ills, past and present. Some of you will remember my Pick Three philosophy–choose the three areas about which you are most passionate and cling to them like a limpet.

Last night, I was reviewing my Picks and deciding whether to recommit. I am recommitting to Women’s Issues and Earth Issues. I have set aside First Amendment issues in the Picks (though I will still keep an eye on and work on them when needed) for now and am adding Appalachian issues to the Picks. It doesn’t mean all the other justice issues don’t touch me, or concern me. It means I will be actively working on those Three.

I encourage you to choose–especially if you are in danger of shutting down because you are overwhelmed. I know there are good people working on so many good causes. I stand as an ally, even if I am not in the trenches, on many of those issues. Because I can’t do all of them effectively. None of us can.

Choose to be an advocate and activist in the places that shake your soul–and no guilt about the runners-up (for there will be many). Others, like you, have taken up those needed banners. We have a culture to change.
