I have a book to read tomorrow. It’s called “Seasons of a Magical Life: a Pagan Way of Living.” It’s coming out in August, from Weiser Books.

Yeah, it’s my book. My new, new book. Let me explain.

Back before this Plague Year, I signed contracts for two books, with two publishers. It was a bit of a juggling act but it’s been amicable and that’s why I have a new book coming out in about three weeks–“Roots, Branches, and Spirits: the Folkways and Witchery of Appalachia”, from Llewellyn Worldwide–and a new, new book that is still being edited.

Which is what I’m doing this week–going over the edits and changes from the editor. I’ve gotten the bulk of it done earlier this week so tomorrow I get to read the book I wrote months ago, finished in the early months of the Plague Year.

it’s interesting to read a book you’ve written–a book you love and are passionate about sharing with the world–as though it’s a brand new book. Which it is, of course. A few people have read it at this point but it was still raw and lightly formed. After the editor’s thorough work, I will be able to read it anew tomorrow and see how it feels.

I’m kind of excited about that–and also a little scared. “Seasons” has a lot of reconfigured ideas that have been forming in my heart and head for a long time. I hope I’ve expressed them well enough but tomorrow I will be able to retool the reconfigured, if need be.

It will require several pots of strong black tea and a fully-functioning noggin. The former will help with the latter.