East of the Sun and West of the Moon

the road, ever, on and on   In preparing for my appearance at FaerieCon this weekend, I have been spending some time with the beautiful and difficult fairy tale “East of the Sun and West of the Moon.” I fell in love with this story many years ago because it was...

The Veil of Memory

    carved turnips   There’s a big holiday at the end of the month–ghosts and candy, pumpkins and witches. We’ve come to call this now-secular holiday of Irish immigrants Hallowe’en.There is another celebration at the end of October –of the...

Sitting At an Altar, Somewhere Between Night and Morning

In my personal calendar, this is the last day of the old year. I woke too early for the day ahead, when there can be no nap to refresh me and I need to be sharp, alert, at my best. I’m doing a wedding later today for a family of whom I am very fond and, as you...

The Ancestor Vigil for 2015

The Ancestor Vigil ends with a benediction that I’ve done a bajillion times. But last night, as we reviewed the ritual before we started, I told the rest of the clergy team that I wanted to say something between the Charge and the benediction. And I added the...

I am trying not to be jealous

because I don’t have any reason to be.  Let me share the backstory. Years ago–two Parliaments ago, I reckon–I promised myself that if the Parliament of the World’s Religions was ever in a place I could get to, I would go.  And this week it is going to be in Salt Lake...