Sitting At an Altar, Somewhere Between Night and Morning

In my personal calendar, this is the last day of the old year. I woke too early for the day ahead, when there can be no nap to refresh me and I need to be sharp, alert, at my best. I’m doing a wedding later today for a family of whom I am very fond and, as you...

Giving a Talk at UNCA Next Tuesday

It’s called “A Ramble Through Appalachian Folk Magic with Village Witch and UNCA Alumna, Byron Ballard.” Tuesday, 10/27 at 7PM I’ll be on campus in Laurel Forum to present my latest research on the origins of these intriguing Appalachian...

A Pagan Community Dialogue on Abuse and Rape Culture

Sunday, November 22, 2-4PM Asheville Raven and Crone, 555 Merrimon Ave. This will be a open and safe space for discussion and conversation on the abuse and rape culture we live in. I’m facilitating the discussion. We will focus on the Pagan community, in light...

Viva! in the time of the Dead

We began a discussion on Facebook, as one does, about the nature of societal change and the onset of the much-discussed revolution.  I had just gotten up from a long nap and gathered my haunted thoughts and replied: I talk about Tower Time rather a lot and people...

The Ancestor Vigil for 2015

The Ancestor Vigil ends with a benediction that I’ve done a bajillion times. But last night, as we reviewed the ritual before we started, I told the rest of the clergy team that I wanted to say something between the Charge and the benediction. And I added the...