I often return to my old friend Carmichael’s Carmina Gadelica.  As an act of veneration, I sometimes adapt traditional Brigid prayers for use by a more contemporary user.  For the next few days–as we prepare for Imbolc–I’m going to share them here.

In the name of Brigid, I stand above my pillow— Sweetened with lavender and roses, I stand above my pillow and I bless my head In the name of Brigid. I touch my blanket— Sweetened in the fresh breezes of the morn’s dawning, I touch my blanket and I bless my body In the name of Brigid. I sit upon my bed— Sweetened with visions of bliss and good health, I sit upon my bed and I bless my sleeping In the name of Brigid. As pillow comforts head, as blanket warms body, as bed holds me safe, in Brigid’s loving spirit, I lay me down to sleep.