The Lusty Month of May

  This is woad. Ysatis tinctoria. It’s grown as a dye plant but I use it as a magical oil, to access my inner Pict. Merry May, all!  I’ve spent the day running errands and now it’s too hot outside to work in the garden. That makes it a good day...

So. I Went to This Festival.

I am going to attempt to give you the Festival Backstory So Far.  Which means I have to go back in time and tell you about the longest leg of my summer tour. It began in Arkansas and ended in St. Louis. It was May–May!–the merry month of May… The...

Whither then? I Cannot Say

The books have arrived.  I have three boxes of “Embracing Willendorf” that constitute the pre-publication sales (thanks to all who did that–it’s really helpful). I have a bunch of labels and a couple of good pens and will spend the afternoon...

Embracing Willendorf–Free Willi!

Aiaiaiai! The proof for my new book–Embracing Willendorf–has been in my hands since Monday evening and the first bulk order has been placed by the publisher, Smith Bridge Press. You can order it through the publisher’s website, by clicking on the...