I Like Words

While I’m learning this new editor program and trying to retrain myself to blog regularly, these blogposts will consist of words. No fancy-ass staged photos, softly focused and featuring items that will reassure you that I am an Appalachian woman, a writer, a...

Booking It

I have a book to read tomorrow. It’s called “Seasons of a Magical Life: a Pagan Way of Living.” It’s coming out in August, from Weiser Books. Yeah, it’s my book. My new, new book. Let me explain. Back before this Plague Year, I signed...

Days of Weird Dread

I’ve talked to so many people in the last few days who are kind of getting on with their lives while also looking over their shoulder with a kind of existential dread. So strange to hold all these opposite things in our heads and ragged little souls. “Why,...

So. I Went to This Festival.

I am going to attempt to give you the Festival Backstory So Far.  Which means I have to go back in time and tell you about the longest leg of my summer tour. It began in Arkansas and ended in St. Louis. It was May–May!–the merry month of May… The...

Festival Etiquette….pretty please

Festival season has begun! This past weekend, I was in French Lick, Indiana for Our Haven’s Beltaine festival. It’s my second year for this one and I enjoyed it so much.  I leave town tomorrow bound for Circle Sanctuary and another weekend of Beltane...

Earth Works Now Available for Pre-Order

Earth Works, I am joyous to write, is now available for pre-order. If you click on the cover image above (by Susan McBride of Susan McBride Designs), the link will take you to Skye Bridge Publishing to place your order. $20, plus s&h.  It will be shipping in about...