A Pagan Community Dialogue on Abuse and Rape Culture

Sunday, November 22, 2-4PM Asheville Raven and Crone, 555 Merrimon Ave. This will be a open and safe space for discussion and conversation on the abuse and rape culture we live in. I’m facilitating the discussion. We will focus on the Pagan community, in light...

Viva! in the time of the Dead

We began a discussion on Facebook, as one does, about the nature of societal change and the onset of the much-discussed revolution.  I had just gotten up from a long nap and gathered my haunted thoughts and replied: I talk about Tower Time rather a lot and people...

The Ancestor Vigil for 2015

The Ancestor Vigil ends with a benediction that I’ve done a bajillion times. But last night, as we reviewed the ritual before we started, I told the rest of the clergy team that I wanted to say something between the Charge and the benediction. And I added the...

I am trying not to be jealous

because I don’t have any reason to be.  Let me share the backstory. Years ago–two Parliaments ago, I reckon–I promised myself that if the Parliament of the World’s Religions was ever in a place I could get to, I would go.  And this week it is...

The Promise of the Cloutie Branch, Part One

so many clouties Southeast Wise Women Herbal Conference This will be in a few more parts–maybe two, maybe three, maybe more. Three Hours I like to arrive on Thursday before the conference so I can settle in. I was pretty proud of myself this time that I wasn’t...

Days Of Rain

I returned this morning from the Southeast Wise Women’s Herbal Conference. I fed the chickens, unloaded the car, checked the community garden and took a hot shower. This conference is an old favorite of mine.  I used to volunteer there but started teaching and...