Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door

Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door

We do talk a lot about the Ancestors, the Beloved Dead and the Long Dead this time of year. i talked with a friend yesterday who had put up her family Ancestor altar, readying herself and her clan for the season’s commemorations.  My Ancestor altar stays up year...
Into The West

Into The West

The radio weatherfolk reckoned on rain–and storms!–for tonight. But we reckoned our small ceremony for the forgotten Dead could weather a bit of a storm, if need be. We were rewarded with a sunset that stole our attention, and pieces of our souls, I think....
When Day Is Done

When Day Is Done

I began the day with a meeting in the morning and am ending it at the altar, praying for mercy, for justice, for patience. It was a long day and there was much listening in it. Listening and hearing, which are not the same thing as it turns out. Listening you do with...

Is There More to Tell About Samhain? Probably.

 This whole Ancestor veneration thing…we European-Americans are still re-membering and re-creating what we do and when we do it. We may know much of our family trees but we still aren’t quite sure how far to take this “Ancestors are the Reason for...

The Only Constant is Change

 or so they tell me.Last night, the cat and I were awakened by a loud crashing coming from the direction of the front porch. Suspecting it might be our occasional nocturnal visitor–the Happy Raccoon–I got up to peer onto the porch. Much to my surprise, it...