The Only Constant is Change

 or so they tell me.Last night, the cat and I were awakened by a loud crashing coming from the direction of the front porch. Suspecting it might be our occasional nocturnal visitor–the Happy Raccoon–I got up to peer onto the porch. Much to my surprise, it...

Daily Practice as Samhain Approaches

As I’m readying myself for this hard and sacred time, I’m reviewing my daily practice and wondering if it is optimum for keeping me focused and open. Do you have a personal daily practice? Or perhaps I should say a personal spiritual practice–many...

Waiting to Inhale

This week is a whirlwind of activity and Mercury going direct doesn’t seem to have fazed the madness of it all one little bit. It is the last week my daughter will be at home for the summer and we’re catching up on the little things she needs for the new...