cover design by Stephanie Johnson


My Wandering Uterus is a weird little miracle. It is a diverse treasure trove from women across the globe and from every walk of life, sharing what it means to travel while female. It  came about because an article came across my Facebook feed a year ago.  Here it is–

In my usual flippant way, I wondered “aloud” how much fun we could have writing a travel anthology about women travelers and call it “My Wandering Uterus.”

Sometimes people take me seriously and one of those people at that moment was writer Kate Laity.  She stepped up and stepped in it and put out a call for contributors. Women from all over answered that call and Kate made the book happen. Stephanie Johnson who is the Queen of Everything designed the cover with a rif on woodcuts. That’s the image above.

The book contains memoirs, stories and poetry about the experiences of being a woman on the road — the joys, the perils, the lessons, the changes. From spiritual pilgrimages to forced evacuations, in pursuit of opportunity or to escape from the past, travel broadens the mind — and broads’ travel writing will delight your heart!

You can get the book at Amazon and some select local stores–like our local Asheville Raven and Crone.  It’s gotten good reviews so far and I think you’ll like it. And when you read my story, you’ll know more about me than you may want to know.

If you’d like to purchase merch of the cover design by Stephanie Johnson, visit these sites–
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