Security! Security!

Just a quick note to let you know we’re upgrading this site to http from https–if I am understanding this correctly.  It is still safe but you may get a warning as you approach. You can choose to continue or wait until we’ve switched over.

So. I Went to This Festival.

I am going to attempt to give you the Festival Backstory So Far.  Which means I have to go back in time and tell you about the longest leg of my summer tour. It began in Arkansas and ended in St. Louis. It was May–May!–the merry month of May… The...

…and then a step to the right…

  I am briefly at home between festivals and will do my best to catch up a bit here. These are certainly exciting times to be alive. In between camping adventures and walking on new lands (prairie!), I am keeping an eye on the energies and the people that deeply...

The Living Ain’t Easy But It Is Grand

Festival Season!  Holy McAnoly!  I am back home for a couple of days and marveling at the season so far. I’ve just come off what is probably my longest time away–nearly three weeks.  I have cried and laughed, embraced old dear ones and shaken hands with...

Festival Etiquette….pretty please

Festival season has begun! This past weekend, I was in French Lick, Indiana for Our Haven’s Beltaine festival. It’s my second year for this one and I enjoyed it so much.  I leave town tomorrow bound for Circle Sanctuary and another weekend of Beltane...