…and then a step to the right…

  I am briefly at home between festivals and will do my best to catch up a bit here. These are certainly exciting times to be alive. In between camping adventures and walking on new lands (prairie!), I am keeping an eye on the energies and the people that deeply...

The Living Ain’t Easy But It Is Grand

Festival Season!  Holy McAnoly!  I am back home for a couple of days and marveling at the season so far. I’ve just come off what is probably my longest time away–nearly three weeks.  I have cried and laughed, embraced old dear ones and shaken hands with...

Lists to the Right of Me. Lists to the Left of Me.

Good evening, old friends. Festival season is gearing up and I will be on the road a lot this summer.  As soon as I’ve heard from one more festival, I’ll post them all here.  Maybe some of you will come find me when I teach in your neck of the woods. This...

Birthday in the Time of Towers

My birthday was Friday and throughout the week, I posted observations on each day. Here’s Sunday’s, which you may find interesting. The Sunday shows brought me a frisson of…something. So I have come before you, weakened by my hedonism, to say this to...

The Rime Moon

Today was the perfect day for garden clean up. Sunny and warm but not hot. Bright enough to give me a headache, by the way. We cleaned the little kitchen garden and then tackled the Italian garden.  Cleaned and renovated the beds. I watered the raise bed with its...

Dreaming of Farms

As usual. As always. I grew up in west Buncombe on what was once a pretty little farmstead, with a lovely orchard, a root cellar, a springhead. My parents were not active stewards, shall we say, and the whole place was run-down by the time I was old enough to remember...