Honestly, I feel like an old fuddy-duddy sometimes–the nagging mom of the Pagan community–but my patience is running out on the constant bickering. “I and the other Cool Kids do it (whatever it is) this way, and that’s the only right way.” But what if I’ve tried that and it didn’t work for me? “I and the other Cool Kids don’t like that (whatever that is) and you can’t aspire to be one of us if you still like it.” But…but…I do like it.

Gods, I left the hell on earth that was 7th grade many decades ago and I don’t intend to go back to it. There is so much work–good work, important work–that Pagan communities can be doing for our communities or the larger community, for the earth, for any number of excellent causes. It is past time that we get on with it and leave behind some of the drama that eats up our resources, whether time or emotional energy.

As I said earlier on a friend’s Facebook page–why can’t we all try things out and if they work for us, we continue them? And if that particular practice doesn’t work for us we set it aside, glad that it works for someone else. I’m not suggesting we don’t have fun. In fact, I’m suggesting we have more fun, and more curiosity, and maybe eve more courage to go against prevailing popular notions and simply do what we’ve found works best for our personal practice, even if it’s not the Flavor of the Month.

Do the work you’re called to do and experiment until you find the way that works best for you, your temperament and your practice.