Find the Work You Love

I always advise people to find the pieces of the world that fire their passion, that grab them in their hearts and seize their souls. Even if the circumstance require you to work a job because of the pay or the insurance (or whatever driver forces you to be there),...

Days of Weird Dread

I’ve talked to so many people in the last few days who are kind of getting on with their lives while also looking over their shoulder with a kind of existential dread. So strange to hold all these opposite things in our heads and ragged little souls. “Why,...

Imbolc Memory 2016

I’ve Forgotten the Bhrat…again It is Imbolc and there is still much to do. With one eye, I am following the results out of Iowa and wishing NC had a caucus process because it seems so interesting. With another eye, I am reviewing the Mother Grove Imbolc ritual for...


I’ve been away from this for a while, as you well know.  I’ve been traveling–a little more every year. Things I love and feel are important to me have sometimes fallen by the wayside of the Village Witch on the road. More importantly, though, I have...

Earth Works Now Available for Pre-Order

Earth Works, I am joyous to write, is now available for pre-order. If you click on the cover image above (by Susan McBride of Susan McBride Designs), the link will take you to Skye Bridge Publishing to place your order. $20, plus s&h.  It will be shipping in about...