..to be honest, at this point in my life I’ve written six books, more plays than I can remember and a handful of mediocre poems. But this post is about the book that Llewellyn published and that was released a month ago. Almost exactly a month ago. The peculiar thing was that it sold out at the publishers on the day of its release. It did–next day, I checked the publisher’s website and there was a little yellow banner warning that it was out of stock and anyone ordering “Roots, Branches and Spirits” could expect delays in delivery.

I was well chuffed, as my English friends say. I double checked with my editor and my publicist to see if that yellow banner meant what I thought it meant and it did. They both said complimentary things about how surprising that was and promised more books were on the way.

The way took about a month and when I checked the site today, the yellow banner was gone. Once again, I checked with my publicist who confirmed that the book was back in stock. Hurrah! And is it, in fact, the second printing or is it just more of the first printing? He confirmed that it was the second printing.

And there was rejoicing in the land. I’ve decided that I will think of myself as a “best-selling” writer when I’m feeling a little low and see if that cheers me up. I don’t really write with one eye on the sales figures and the other on my Goodreads ranking. But this is a nice feeling.

There is another book on the way in August. This one is from Red Wheel/Weiser and is about deepening one’s spirituality by forging an acknowledged kinship with nature, including the spirit beings. That one is called Seasons of a Magical Life and I play around with some ideas about time (yes, there is some timey-wimey stuff in there, along with permaculture and animism bits and a massive influx of newly Paganized holidays–holy times that were formerly Pagan before they became Christian and now I’ve made them Pagan again because honestly, Michaelmas and Martinmas are totally Pagan).

I’ve decided to write more about that here because I need to be more faithful to blogging and want to find some interesting things to write about here that aren’t vegetables or gardening. That season of love and longing is here, by the way. But I’m sure you’d like some variation on a theme.