I’m still not back in the swing of blogging, mostly because I need to do it from my phone. I’ve become someone who does so much from that little Android box and don’t open my laptop as much as I should.

We are in a helluvan election year and I want us to walk through that together as best we can. I’ve made no secret of my comparisons with the end of the Roman Empire and you all know about my theory on Tower Time. I think we all need to walk together as best we can, as we go through the cycle. It is only natural that we will feel anxiety, exhilaration fear, rage…gods only know what else.

I want you to know this is a place where we can talk through some of that stuff, and where we can braid up the magical and the spiritual, with a dollop of witchery. But for a while I’m going to be considering the idea of “circles on the ground,” a concept that’s part of my book, Earth Works.

Circles on the ground–which you’ll also encounter in the new one Feral Church–is the idea that we can best thrive by tending each other, especially at the local level. Circles on the ground are literally that–circles of people who share the same patch, who dwell with the same landbase.  We’ll explore how we can learn to get along with people who don’t share our religion, politics, culture.

If you have ideas and/or questions, leave them here. Might as well get started.

Do you know your neighbors? Do you do anything with them? Shared garden? Community celebrations?